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  1. ..."je suis breton et ne suis pas de marseille... :lol:" Kakakakakakakakak
  2. It was cought in Beg Douar next to Plestin-les-Greves, and it was around the 12 kg, a long time ago, probably older than 1980
  3. grandfather of my girlfriend is an old fisherman Breton, and a few days he let me see some of is trophies. this and something amazing....
  4. Perfect
  5. Visi 2 a 3m on horizontal. ET 6 a 7 m en vertical. Beaucoup de vie,mais tous petits. mais je pense que demain les conditions seront mauvais a Couse du vent.
  6. visi de 1 a 2m, trop de courrent a sud de Fort-Bloqué.............bhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa on espere que demain ça change....
  7. Afff hopping that you havê more luck next time
  8. I hope that in 18/04 the Walter in lorient be clean
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